A Leap Into the Unknown- Morag Gets Creative.....
So, why am I here? (On Blogger, not existentially...)
I have played music since the age of 8, graduated with Bachelor of Music Degree, undertaken postgraduate orchestral training at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, gigged and taught violin and viola for 15 years : surely I must tick all the requisite boxes that define a being a "musician"?
I have always had an itch to scratch, a chink in my armour, so to speak- I have never seriously attempted to create works of music, both for myself and others. The classically-trained musician is rarely expected (or even encouraged) to stick their head above the parapet of creativity and produce their own work. But, as my life as a working musician has progressed, I have felt increasingly removed from the whole process of creative thought and endeavour - always waiting for someone else to offer me something exciting to play, rather than seizing the initiative and producing something in my own right.
Over the last few years I have returned to my roots as a folk musician: I was brought up in Caithness and and was very much grounded in traditional fiddle repertoire. This trip "full circle" inspired me to enrol on the MA course at the University of the Highlands and Islands, where I hope to use my own relationship with Caithness, its landscape and people to inspire my own musical creations.
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