The End of the Beginning...

This post brings the first year of my Master's course to a conclusion, and allows me to take stock of where my creative journey has taken me so far. It has been a fascinating trip- I have written poetry, read a mountain of books, taken hundreds of photographs, and, most importantly, started to find an identity within myself as a composer. What has become most apparent in compiling this blog so far is that I have only started to scratch the surface of this new endeavour : whilst some of the pieces I have written are deliberately small-scale (A Lullaby for Louisa Martin, Fisherman) and therefore complete, others, such as The Swelkie and Darrad's Loom, are  either evolving or incomplete  and will be revised as I continue my work. Other posts, such as The Transforming Tide, will form the basis of much larger musical projects next year.
The themes of migration, peregrination, and transformation appear to be emerging as insistent themes and inspiration for my work, and my next step will be to bring these ideas together into a coherent body of musical composition. In the meantime, it's time to do some practice.........
Here's a parting composition, written as an ode to forward thinking and maintaining a philosophical outlook!
